
Last year I decided to take a 90 degree turn in my life. You know, like a 180 degree turn, but less drastic. I wanted to change environment, language, major, everything, while at the same time not completely be cut from my previous lifestyle (I couldn’t just ditch to my longtime friend the comfort zone like that #yolo #butnotreally).

I could have gone West, but the most suitable zone of the world to experience this big change seemed to be the East. Therefore I’m now studying Korean in Seoul, South Korea in order to apply for a master degree in a Korean university. And, well… might as well share it with the world, am I right?

When it  comes to hobbies, I’ve always had some kind of ADD. I love to draw, I devour books, dance fascinates me, I’m a video games connoisseur and recently got in touch with my feminine side, which means makeup testing, beauty products hoarding and compulsive clothe shopping. Add a dash of internet culture and traveling and there you have this blog. It’s going to be one big messy patchwork, let me tell you.

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