Korean Brand Review: Too Cool For School

Get your fake thick-framed glasses, geometric patterned shirt and sketchbook, this time we’re reviewing the Korean makeup and skincare brand Too Cool For School.

Nothing says “cool” like a brachiosaurus-apatosaurus blended family.

In this post, find a fine analysis of my favourite low range Korean beauty brand. Continue reading

Five Skin Food products

After introducing the Skin Food brand, its pros and its cons, let’s try out some of the products it has to offer.

Three out of five received my seal of approval. Guess which ones are the black sheeps and win them.
Oh wait.

In this post, find a review of the Black Sugar Mask Wash off, the Egg White Pack, the Rice Mask Wash off, the Argan Oil Silk Hair Mask Pack and the Shea Butter Body Rich Cream. Continue reading

Korean beauty brand: Skin Food

Well I just couldn’t wait anymore. Out with the practical stuff and in with the ~beauty~ and sparkles! Let’s start with our very first Korean beauty brand review featuring Skin Food, AKA the brand you could mistake for a healthy midnight snack if drunk enough.

Is this angel holding a skull while asking itself existential questions? Maybe.

Is this angel holding a skull while asking itself existential questions? Maybe.

In this post, find a fine analysis of the Skin Food brand with the good, the bad and the meh. Continue reading

How to get a Korean bank account and cellphone number

One of the first things you social medias addicted, compulsive smartphone user, blogger extraordinaires will want to do when stepping on Korean ground is to get a WiFi access. Sure, your guest house/dormitory/home stay will provide you with a connection, but once you’ll venture into the *shiver* outdoors… You’ll be alone in an urban jungle filled with foreign signs and a subway map that looks like rainbow spaghetti and no way to Instagram it. Another thing you’ll maybe want done quickly is opening a Korean bank account. If, like me, you didn’t bring a credit card nor cash, it’ll be pretty urgent (my shopping deprivation fits are fairly violent).

Rainbow spaghetti.

Rainbow spaghetti.

In this post, find not a complete guide but my humble experience about bank accounts, SIM cards and the restrictions you may face when trying to obtain those. Continue reading

The packing list

I’m not going to lecture you about the importance of packing logistics, to be prepared for anything and somehow manage to get your heavier-than-you suitcase accepted by the check-in lady at the airport. However, I can share with you my personal over-packing list to fly to South Korea for seven months (winter-spring).

This list won’t suit each and everyone of you, but I would have been happy to find something like this on the internet when I was gathering my stuff so I’m posting it anyway. You could also come with as few pieces of clothe as possible and shop like crazy. Imma do both because inefficiency, fuck yeah.

Just kidding, I flew with Finnair.

Just kidding, I flew with Finnair.

In this post, find more about the usual stuff to bring with you, the extra stuff, the things you can buy in Korea and some useful tips. Continue reading